About the Grassroots
Writing Research Journal
GWRJ Quick Facts
Two issues each year: Fall and Spring
Published by: the Writing Program at Illinois State University
Current issue available at: ISU’s Redbird Spirit Shop bookstores
Primary text for: ENG 101, ENG 101A10, ENG 145 at ISU
Past issues: available for free online
Accepting submissions: anytime
Started in: 2010
The Grassroots Writing Research Journal (GWRJ) is dedicated to publishing writing research by everyday writers like you–like all of us.
We are committed to publishing GWRJ authors who are undergraduate writing students, graduate student teachers, university faculty members, high school teachers and students, middle school teachers and students—anyone! Because we are all writers and writing researchers.
We encourage people to write about any range of subjects that intersect with writing research. You might describe how you practice writing in your lives, how writing works toward specific writer and community goals, how you’re learning writing as a complex activity over time, and how writing makes things happen in your worlds.
We look forward to receiving submissions for genres we often publish (like full-length GWRJ articles), and we are always excited to experiment with new genres and media whether they’re some we’ve created recently (graphic shorts, writing co-interviews) or ones we hope you might create and share with us.